Sunday, July 18, 2010

VPID 004

Aretha sings and you sway in time to the music. Your dress is vintage and your style shines beneath the studio lights of a small venue where your favorite performer, Rev. Billy, and crew, have given one of the great shows they're known for. The message: peace - through the act of backing away from consumerism is written across the entire room in the bountiful aftermath of performance. The crowd is still swarming and chatting, filled with residual energy. If only this energy might be harnessed, channeled and connected - it would solve the problem in one great spark. In your arms the baby sleeps. Her mouth has fallen open. Her small arms bounce gently with your motion. For her part she is the image of trust, and a center-point of joy in the room.  You are happy just to have her in your arms; at having her gratefully surrendered to your keeping by her mother. The look on your face is a look of absolute contentment. The two of you entangled, as one, reveal a picture of bliss in a blissed out moment.

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